Despite inclement weather over 30 people turned up at the Pioneer museum on Thursday 27 May to help raise funds for the Cancer Council. Because of the wet weather, what was supposed to have been a garden party had to move into the Dining & Music Rooms of the museum. Guests enjoyed their tea & coffee and a wide array of generously donated cakes, scones & savouries, whilst catching up on local gossip, reminiscing, and listening to a selection of tunes from the 1920s played on the museum's Edison phonograph.
Thanks go out to the Hampton Arms and the Central Greenough Historic Settlement for donating cakes and scones; to Bentwood Olive Grove and Lil & Marge for donating local produce to be raffled and to everyone who supported this event.In all, $454.00 was raised for the Cancer Council.
Also, thanks to Two Fish Drowning for donating a framed aerial photo of the Abrolhos reefs that was auctioned on the day. That money, along with donations from Rock of Ages Bed & Breakfast and Gary Martin has been used to purchase a stainless steel urn to help with the catering of future events.
Also, thanks to Two Fish Drowning for donating a framed aerial photo of the Abrolhos reefs that was auctioned on the day. That money, along with donations from Rock of Ages Bed & Breakfast and Gary Martin has been used to purchase a stainless steel urn to help with the catering of future events.