23 June 2010

Vegie Garden Report

Although it is not proving to be a wet winter, we have had enough rain to re-establish the vegie garden. This year we have sourced heirloom seeds from the Diggers Club to sow, these include Golden Pod peas, radishes, beetrot and a variety of beans. Also in are Cos lettuce, leeks, eggplants, bok choy and potatoes (under straw). New Zealand Spinach, Parsley and Coriander are sprouting everywhere and the Chives growing rampant.
It is a great time of the year to be working outside, and the vegie garden is a visual as well as culinary delight.

New Interpretive Panel

With funding from the Mid West Development Commission a sign has been installed near the Bowes Gates at the rear of the Museum. This sign also provides information on the buildings to be viewed over the gates, and nearby.
As an example of recycling, the frame of an old Pioneer Museum sign has been re-used to support the new panel.