Who can remember the words?
"Put another nickel in, in the nickelodeon.
And all I want is loving you, and music, music, music.
I'd do anything for you; anything you'd want me to.
All I want is kissing you and music, music, music.
Closer, my dear come closer.
The nicest part of any melody is when you're dancing close to me.
...So put another nickel in, in the nickelodeon.
All I want is loving you and music, music, music."
Perhaps not so surprisingly, this is one tune you would not have heard on this nickelodeon. The song was written by Stephen Weiss and Bernie Baum in 1949 and made popular in Australia by Petula Clarke in 1950. Far too late for this "Fully Automated Mechanical Piano" to give it its correct title.
After playing for many years to wonderous visitors, our nickelodeon was badly damaged about 10 years ago when a former curator decided to install an electric motor to save having to wind up the machine manually.
It has been estimated it would cost around $25,000 to now get the machine back to working order! To date we have collected less than 1/10th of the quote! Any donations welcome.
I visited this museum in my late teens a few times. I found the nickelodeon so entertaining and funny! Could you PLEASE post a video of it in action as I would LOVE to hear it again!
I visited this museum in my late teens a few times. I found the nickelodeon so entertaining and funny! Could you PLEASE post a video of it in action as I would LOVE to hear it again!
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