30 March 2015

Midwest Chapter Report

On Saturday 28th March, the Cervantes Historical Society hosted the Midwest Chapter of Museums Australia (WA) meeting. This provides an opportunity for representatives from all the local museums to meet, share ideas and report on their activities over the previous 6 months.
Below is the report presented on behalf of this museum:-

Since we last met in October, the museum has had a further 786 adults and 198 children visit. Summer is always a quiet time, but we contain to maintain our charter of having the museum open every day. How many other museums can make that claim? This is only possible through the support we receive from volunteers from the Community Group of Greenough.
We continue to work with other organisations to care for Greenough’s heritage. Menshed Geraldton is close to completing restoration of the Poison Cart which was in a very dilapidated condition due to it being displayed outside for the previous 40 years. The Greenough Regional Prison is about to undertake restoration of the Royce Dray which is also in a very dilapidated condition for the same reasons. This work will be supervised by Max Royce, grandson of the original maker.
Through funding from the City of Greater Geraldton, the first of two sets of banners have been installed in the front paddock. We also thank the City’s Heritage Services for providing a Three Museums banner for display in the museum.
As part of our quest to have an evolving and engaging museum, a very successful sourdough bread making workshop was held in the museum kitchen, and further workshops are planned this year. The Community Vegie Garden is now in readiness for planting and continues to be both an attractive and educational addition to the museum. As well the Community Space provides a much needed meeting place for the local community. Museums today are far more than just a collection of old objects and we look our continually expanding our role in the community.
But talking of old objects, I continue to hope that the management of the Geraldton Historical Society comes to their senses and return the Maley and Greenough objects and photographs to their rightful place at the Greenough Museum.
As I have stated previously, as a group we all need to seriously look at our collections. If we have objects that are more appropriate elsewhere, pass them on. Each museum in this region needs to create its own unique identity. With this in mind, and as a gesture of good will, I would like to pass on to the Geraldton Historical Society these 3 beautiful late Victorian portrait photos that have come from Geraldton.

20 March 2015

Can you help identify this woman?

According to the donor, the woman portrayed here is either Alice Bullen or Catherine Scrivener, both daughters of Joseph and Catherine Bridgman of Greenough. Can you recognise her?

16 March 2015

Flood Display

With minor flooding of the Greenough River occurring at the moment, I bring to your attention this recent display at the museum.
It came about as we had excess furniture with  nowhere to store. By stacking them on top of each other we have created a display relevant to flooding and directs people to the Cellar where we have further information.
Fortunately this house was built above the 100 year flood level.

15 March 2015

New Banners

The first of two sets of new banners are now installed on the banner poles facing Phillips Road. Thanks go to the City of Greater Geraldton for funding through the Community Grants scheme, to Seaside Signs, Dongara, for printing and construction, and to Phillipe for helping install them this morning.

09 March 2015

"Beam me up Scotty" display case moved.

After much struggle the "Beam me up Scotty" displace case has been moved into the Archives Room. This empty display case poses the following question to visitors:-
"Imagine you could be teleported 100 years into the future. You then revisit this museum. What present day objects would you expect to see displayed here?"
Some recent comments include:
James - 2015 clothes, there might be a big difference.
Irene - IPhone, because it can store everything in it, pictures, music, etc. Will be a great blast from the past!
Suzanne - A flowering plant. We need to protect nature and enjoy it everyday.
Georgina - Spiderman comic, because comics are a big thing.
Kate - USB stick, because they are the new photo albums.
To see other comments or add you own, please visit the museum.


03 March 2015

A brief history translated into Korean.

당신이 알다시피 'Maley's house ' 'Greenough' 위치해 있다. 지역은 홍수로 인해 침적하여 이루어졌는데 동쪽은 석회석 산마루로, 서쪽은 'Indian Ocean' 경계로 모래언덕으로 이루어져 있고 꼬불꼬불 흐르는 강물은 'Greenough River' 연결되어 있다. 매우 비옥한 토지는 한때 정착한 'Amangu'사람의 집이었다. 그들은 강에서 물고기를 잡고, 해변에 조개를, 물속에서 마과류( 감자,고구마같은) 채집하며 살아갔다. WA에서의 유럽인의 거주는 1829 Swan River에서의 시작으로, 그로부터 10년후 영국인이 험으로 이곳을 왔는데 그의 탐험을 지지하던 사람들 사람 'Greenough'으로 인해 강은 Greenough 불려졌다. 1850 ,소와 같은 가축들이 풀을 뜯어먹기 좋은 환경으로 목축민들이 모여살았다. 1857 지역은 밀을 심는 농부들에게 팔려 다시 세분화되었다. 지역은 점차 이주민들의 밀농사 지역이 되었다. 1860 'John Maley' 곳으로 와서 건설과 증기로 만든 밀을 관리했다. 그는 그의 신부인 'Elizabeth' 위해 작은 집을 지었다. 1877 뛰어난 식물학자 'Baron von Mueller' 곳을 방문하여 후추나무를 심었는데 그게 지금의 집앞에 있는 나무이다. 'Maley' 사업은 점점 커져 밀가루를 'Dongara'에까지도, 상점과 호텔을 'Greenough', 그리고 조장을 'Geraldton'에까지 확장되었다. 가족수 또한 늘어(아들 9, 5) 또한 커질 밖에 없었다. 1880년이후 'Maley' 집은 'Greenough'에서 가장 일반 가정집이었고 그는 ' 지역의 '이라 불려질만큼 영향력이 사람이었다. 1888 2 4 홍수로 인해 'Greenough' 황폐화되었는데 지대가 높아 이집과 그의 밀은 피해를 입지않았다. 지역에 거대한 호수가 생겨났는데 지름이 48km 깊이는 5m 되었다. 사람 4명이 익사하고 집과 농작물은 파괴되었고 비축한 것들은 모두 잃었다. Malay 피해가 가장 컸고 그가 소유했던 많은 버둥거리며 사는 농부들에 의해 많은 빚을 지게 되었다. 그는 사업을 팔아야만 했고 1910 환멸을 느낀 그는 이곳에서 생을 마감했다. 재산은 그의 자손에게 넘어갔고 그리 오랫동안 이곳을 소유하지 않았다. 그들은 농장을 'Wheatbelt' 수립하기로 결정했고 1932 집은 'Rudduck'가족에게 팔렸다. 1966 GHS( Geraldton Historical Society : Geraldton 역사협회, Geraldton 곳으로부터 19km 떨어져있는 도시로 WA에서 Perth 다음으로 도시 ) 집을 Midwest 에서 첫번째로 지역 역사 박물관으로 지정했다. 1971 집은 지역 의회에 의해 구매되었고 그들은 재산으로써 계속해서 유지해왔다. 2012 9 GHS 수집물들을 옮기고 재정비했다. 현재는 Greenough 커뮤니티의 관리자에 의해 관리되어지고 있다. 곳은 지역의 역사를 상징한다.
Thankyou Tah for providing this translation.